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Your guaranteed profit up to 56% per month

Risk warning

The company notifies You (hereinafter-the `client of the company`) that the investment activity carries a certain level of risk that may not be acceptable to the client of the company. Before registering and participating in the investment programs of the company, the client of the company must assess the degree of risk. They should evaluate the acceptability of the terms provided by the company, as well as evaluate their opportunities to participate. In case of any unforeseen investment risks, the client of the company is aware that the company is not responsible for the safety of the client's funds in case of partial or complete loss of funds of this client of the company. Subsequently, the company is exempted from compensation of losses of the client of the company in consequence of investment activity.

Risk of investing in different business areas of

The client of the company is aware that different investment plans of the company have different degree of risk. The client understands and agrees to the terms and conditions of the various investment tariffs of The client accepts the terms and conditions of the company and that may change certain terms and conditions, rules of operation, or completely change the terms of individual investment plans of

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk means the ability to pay the company's client on time, as well as the ability of to operate its investment resources. The client agrees that the company may defer the payment of interest, or partially or completely postpone the payment of investment funds, without prior notice to the client. The client accepts the risks and all associated delays.

Technical risks

The client agrees and accepts the risks associated with various technical problems. With errors that can lead to partial or complete loss of funds, or disrupt the work of the company, as well as investment plans. The client accepts the provision that the company can not control all processes related to the Internet connection, the reliability of the provider, hosting and other factors that indirectly affect the security and reliability of the network.

Client agreement

The profitability of the investment program of the company may vary, both upwards and downwards. The client accepts the fact that the company can change the profitability under the influence of various factors, as well as transfer less funds than indicated in the initial conditions of the investment plans.