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Your guaranteed profit up to 56% per month

Terms of Cooperation

Trust management always carries a certain level of risk and may not be suitable for online activity of certain investors and participants in various projects. Before you become an active client of, You should learn about all the risks associated with this activity. You should consider your willingness to participate in the program, your level of awareness, and your risk tolerance. The company, as well as representatives of remind you that each investor is responsible for their invested as well as operational finances independently. He must calculate the amount of the Deposit, based on his needs and expediency. If you have any questions about the company's activities, you can always ask them to representatives. In other cases, we strongly recommend that you contact your financial Advisor for further advice.

Official activity is a fully official company. They operate strictly under UK law. has the right to conduct international trade. They have the permission of the relevant regulatory authorities to conduct investment, as well as exchange activity, and currency trading.

Today, adopts all the rules, regulations and laws of the European Union and regulates its activities strictly in the legislative environment.


  1. undertakes to comply with all safety standards, including both the operation of the investment Fund and the client's personal funds, which the latter transfers to the company's accounts.
  2. undertakes to pay the funds to investors, in relation to the conditions that the latter signs with the representatives of the company, the subsequent payments to the client are strictly in accordance with the rules, if only there are situations that are independent of the company's activities.
  3. undertakes to notify each client of the company about changes in the work, regulations and terms of cooperation. reserves the right to revise certain points of the agreement or all the points of the said agreement.
  4. undertakes to compensate the funds to the clients in part or in full in case of unforeseen circumstances. The amount of compensation of the company is strictly regulated in accordance with article 58 of the law of the investor compensation Fund, which provides for the payment of not more than 20 000 euros. All other amounts are paid to the client by the relevant regulatory authorities on the basis of the provisions of this law.

Obligations of the client

The client of, hereinafter simply the client, acknowledges and declares that he has read, accepted and agrees with the following rules and obligations: